A pro-choice voice for the voiceless

A voice for the voiceless is often a tag line used by pro-life advocates who value the sanctity of life and believe all life begins at conception. A baby in the womb is unable to advocate for themselves and when their first line of defense (their own parents) fail them then it is up to […]

The truth about pregnancy centers

Written by Julie Stuckenschneider Over the years pregnancy centers have earned a bad and unfair reputation from media sources and pro choice individuals. They claim these pro life facilities lie and deceive women and that they only care about them up until the baby is born. But these claims couldn’t be farther from the truth. […]

Peyton’s Story

“I had so many doubts.” If you’re currently expecting a child you may know the feeling of doubts in pregnancy. Or if you’re already a mother or father you can recall the doubts during that time. Doubts about the baby’s health. Doubts about childbirth. Doubts about child rearing. And so on… Doubts and anxiety do […]

Promoting a culture of life

In recent years, more individuals within the pro-life movement have emphasized the importance of conveying a wholistic approach to the pro-life cause. This work is vital to the pro-life movement, because it authentically conveys the credibility of the pro-life movement to those who attack the pro-life cause as nothing more than ‘pro-birth.’ The phrase ‘pro-birth’ […]

Linking abortion to contraception?

Written by María Belén Eyheramonho It’s a common idea that contraceptives should be used to avoid abortions. But, is it true that increasing the use of contraceptives will diminish the number of abortive practices? The answer to this topic doesn’t come from a particular situation, but from something deeper happening at a cultural level. I’m […]

Valerie’s Story

Physically, Valerie* was starting to feel better than she was a few weeks ago. She also wasn’t sure if she felt kicks from her developing baby or if it was just her ever present hunger pains. Mentally however she was a complete wreck. She felt a bit of relief knowing she still had options to […]