A pro-choice voice for the voiceless

A voice for the voiceless is often a tag line used by pro-life advocates who value the sanctity of life and believe all life begins at conception. A baby in the womb is unable to advocate for themselves and when their first line of defense (their own parents) fail them then it is up to […]

Linking abortion to contraception?

Written by María Belén Eyheramonho It’s a common idea that contraceptives should be used to avoid abortions. But, is it true that increasing the use of contraceptives will diminish the number of abortive practices? The answer to this topic doesn’t come from a particular situation, but from something deeper happening at a cultural level. I’m […]

To have kids or to not have kids?

Written by: Julie Stuckenschneider  I think it is safe to say everyone would agree we are living in challenging times. With all the violence, arguing, lock downs, closed schools, open borders and everything else going on we could easily say the world has gone mad. During these unprecedented times with what seems like no hope […]

National Sanctity of Human Life Day

Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Why? 47 years ago, the Supreme Court made one of the most devastating legal and moral decisions in history. Roe v. Wade established a death sentence for over 60 million innocent baby boys and girls of every race and socioeconomic background in the US. Now, this day […]

National Human Rights Month: Recognizing the Humanity of the Human Fetus

December is National Human Rights Month – a time to recognize and protect the rights of each human being. The pro-life movement isn’t just pro-baby or pro-birth. It’s about respecting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. In honor of this month, we’d like to share some of our favorite pro-life facts […]

Happy National Adoption Day!

“We look at adoption as a very sacred exchange. It was not done lightly on either side.” -Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress and Adoptive Mother of 2 This National Adoption Day, I was inspired to look into some facts to better understand adoption. Three statistics stuck out to me the most: Only 2% of women facing […]

The Spiritual Battle of Abortion

Have you ever noticed how angry pro-choicers get when faced with pro-life people, arguments, or legislation? Have you been offended by their erratic actions and wild accusations? Have you ever considered that you’re actually in the midst of a spiritual battle? “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the […]

Today, I cried.

Today was a day like any other. I logged on for my shift. I took the incoming calls. I completed my tasks. But today wasn’t like the other days because today I cried. Working at Options United, you hear it all: Requests for birth control, the morning after pill, and STD testing/treatment Expectant mothers looking […]

What Happened to Safe, Legal, and Rare?

Remember when the pro-choice movement claimed they wanted abortion to be safe, legal, and rare? This begs the question, if abortion is a good thing, why should it be uncommon? However, we no longer have to question this as the abortion industry and pro-choice leaders have revealed what we knew to be true all along. […]