Jesus and Crisis Pregnancy Centers

The first time Jesus reveals he is the Messiah to His disciples was at Caesarea Philippi. We can only speculate why this particular site was chosen perhaps because it was a beautiful area or maybe there was a deeper meaning. Caesarea Philippi was a site with an ancient spring where pagens worshipped the god Pan. […]

A pro-choice voice for the voiceless

A voice for the voiceless is often a tag line used by pro-life advocates who value the sanctity of life and believe all life begins at conception. A baby in the womb is unable to advocate for themselves and when their first line of defense (their own parents) fail them then it is up to […]

Linking abortion to contraception?

Written by María Belén Eyheramonho It’s a common idea that contraceptives should be used to avoid abortions. But, is it true that increasing the use of contraceptives will diminish the number of abortive practices? The answer to this topic doesn’t come from a particular situation, but from something deeper happening at a cultural level. I’m […]

Baby Liam

A new campaign launched by Live Action states that it is estimated 2,363 children are killed in abortion every day in the United States. Thats… over 850,000 children every year around 98 children every hour and at least 1 child every minute Baby Liam* was born after his mother called the Options United helpline. His […]

Is Christmas the greatest unplanned pregnancy story?

Abortion is accepted by many as an option when facing an unplanned pregnancy. A mother in this situation experiences many challenges. Abortion delivers the promise that these challenges do not need to be faced. Yet, it fails to explain the devastation that is to follow after abortion. Denying life to an innocent person due to […]

Brianna’s Story

Brianna* already had an ultrasound when she called the Options United helpline. She was still considering an abortion because she did not believe her baby’s father wanted her to go through with her pregnancy. Feeling alone and lost she was desperately seeking answers. An abortion seemed like an easy solution that would make her worries […]

Happy National Adoption Day!

“We look at adoption as a very sacred exchange. It was not done lightly on either side.” -Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress and Adoptive Mother of 2 This National Adoption Day, I was inspired to look into some facts to better understand adoption. Three statistics stuck out to me the most: Only 2% of women facing […]

Feeling Grateful on National Philanthropy Day

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the creative light of altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness… Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King, Jr. Today is National Philanthropy Day – a day to celebrate charitable work, sacrifice, and generosity. Everyone can make […]

The Role of Grace in the Pro-Life Movement

In preparation for National Inspirational Role Models Month, I thought up the names of numerous pro-life figures who have been influential in my learning and activism. As I thought of names like Abby Johnson, Dr. Anthony Levatino, and Norma McCorvey, my mind raced through the potential backlash we might face on social media. Abby Johnson […]