Callie’s Story

“ I was very emotional when I called. I was scared and had no idea how to process everything. They were calm and gave me a sense of safety.”

Emotions were high when Callie* called into Options United. She didn’t have anything prepared for her son and honestly she didn’t think she was at all ready to be a mother.

The truth was that Callie* wasn’t ready to be a mom. She didn’t have any of the essentials a mother would need to be prepared for the arrival of her new baby. She didn’t have any baby clothes, there were no diapers stocked up, not even a car seat. Yet the most pressing issue was she was not prepared mentally. She had made some not-so-good choices prior to her pregnancy and these were haunting her thoughts, making her second guess if she would be a good mother. In her state, abortion could be a way out. A way to avoid all of the things she was worried about at the moment. Deep down Callie* knew that this wasn’t the right choice she just needed some reassurance.

However, it wasn’t just reassurance that Callie* received after that phone call it was a completely new outlook on her situation. No matter what situation a parent may be facing during the pregnancy stage of their child, it is rare that they feel completely prepared. Being a new parent wouldn’t be easy but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be worth it. Her worries subsided and turned into excitement for the arrival of her son.

During her visit at the pregnancy clinic she received those much needed items—a bassinet, diapers, clothes, car seat, and a baby bag filled with lots of extras to care for her child. She was finally feeling as prepared as she needed to be and she also was able to experience the generosity of others through our organization and those we partner with. Callie’s* life-changing experience and the birth of her beautiful son would not have been possible without the help received from kindness and goodness of others who donate to the mission of Options United.