It’s not over

Written by Julie Stuckenschneider  I’m just going to say what a handful of women feel but too scared to say. Lots of women believe once you’re pregnant your career is over. This isn’t true. Allyson Felix, Lindsay Flach and Kerri Walsh Jennings are three price examples of success during and after pregnancy. All three women […]

Whitney’s Story

Whitney* was unexpectedly expecting her fifth baby. She didn’t know what she should do or what she was capable of doing. Adoption was something she was considering over abortion or parenting. Yet, she was still very much undecided on what to do, Confused. She reached out to Options United through the helpline. Whitney* decided to […]

National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week

Written by Maria Belen Eyheramonho July 25-31 is National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week. In a society where infertility is mostly approached through assisted reproductive technologies as in vitro fertilization (IVF), it’s important to address the threat to pre-born life that they represent, and to promote healthy ways to solve fertility problems. Many couples facing […]


Written by Julie Stuckenschneider Once the abortion is over the emotional aftereffects is often overlooked and something she’ll have to deal with. Many women seek professional help to cope with the shame and guilt that follows an abortion. I spoke with a counselor who has been helping women just like this for roughly 20 years […]

Hannah’s Story

Hannah* didn’t know how many weeks she was in her pregnancy. She knew she wasn’t very far along which is why she was strongly considering having an abortion. Her situation wasn’t ideal so an abortion seemed like the most plausible choice. But Hannah didn’t get an abortion. She was able to hear her baby’s heartbeat […]

Analyzing sex education in the US

Whether or not sexual education taught in US public schools is something you can get behind, many people across the ideological spectrum can agree that the current curricula fall short of the ideal. Many sex ed programs in the US only cover (at best) HIV/HPV, STIs/STDs, contraception, abstinence, birth control, abortions, and perhaps some coverage […]