Hannah’s Story

From the kindness of others Hannah’s* feelings about her pregnancy changed from nervousness to excitement. When she first called us at Options United, Hannah* wanted an abortion. She didn’t have any support and wasn’t prepared to make the journey into motherhood alone. The call responder at Options United reassured her that there were people who […]

#Savethechildren starts in the womb

The #savethechildren hashtag was started by social media influencer Helen Owen. Her mission was to bring awareness to the issue of child sex trafficking and she succeeded. People started reposting information with the hashtag, supporting organizations dedicated to stop child sex trafficking, and brought awareness to their own social media followings. Preventing innocent children being […]

Feeling Grateful on National Philanthropy Day

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the creative light of altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness… Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King, Jr. Today is National Philanthropy Day – a day to celebrate charitable work, sacrifice, and generosity. Everyone can make […]

The Role of Grace in the Pro-Life Movement

In preparation for National Inspirational Role Models Month, I thought up the names of numerous pro-life figures who have been influential in my learning and activism. As I thought of names like Abby Johnson, Dr. Anthony Levatino, and Norma McCorvey, my mind raced through the potential backlash we might face on social media. Abby Johnson […]

Make a Difference Day

Every day is worth celebrating, and the 4th Saturday of October is no exception. Why? Today is Make a Difference Day! This day has been celebrated since 1992, drawing attention to the importance of making a positive impact in the world – whether that’s through donating money, volunteering time and labor, or raising awareness on […]

3,000 Voices Silenced Each Day… What Are You Doing About It?

When I was in high school, I was fairly active with an organization that helped innocent people being tortured, mutilated, abducted, enslaved, and murdered by the Lord’s Resistance Army, a terrorist organization in Africa. One of the campaigns I participated in was a day of silence to stand in solidarity with the victims, raise money, […]

Creating New Structures in the Digital Age: Why the Pro-Life Movement Must Create a Strong Online Presence

The pro-life movement must endure; its values and members are the salt of the earth. To last and succeed, the pro-life movement should learn from Big Tech. Pro-life organizations currently utilize technology only to their level of comfort rather than their full potential. That needs to change. Here’s how… All pro-life groups are at the […]

“Big Tech” and the Pro-Life Movement: Setting the Example of Human Dignity in a Secular World

The Information Technology sector (Big Tech) is the largest sector of our economy, worth more than 7 TRILLION dollars in the US alone. The 2016 election cycle and Trump’s triumph caused a panic and pullback from the largest members in this sector. Motivated now by fear of others’ values and politics, Big Tech wants to […]