Baby Hope
Baby Hope* was saved after her mother chose life over abortion. Her change of heart was due to the loving support from one of our call responders, Crystal. When Crystal answered the call there was a frightened young woman on the other end. She thought abortion was the solution. It was through Crystal’s regular follow up calls and continuous prayers that led to her choosing life for her baby girl.
Upon hiring call responders they undergo training on how to deal with crisis situations. Although our responders are well-trained there is one trait that we cannot teach a responder. This is a kind, loving, and dedicated heart to helping others. Crystal was the perfect example of someone that was truly dedicated and passionate about saving innocent lives of the unborn while helping women and families in need.
Unfortunately in May of 2020, Crystal passed away due to a battle with cancer. Before her passing she became almost completely unresponsive and only communicated through blinking her eyes. Baby Hope’s photo was shown to Crystal during this time. She was overcome with emotion and joyous tears streamed down her face. Throughout the few years Crystal worked at Options United she was able to save hundreds of babies. May her love continue to live through these children she helped save.
Baby Hope’s mother will be forever grateful to the support she received throughout her pregnancy. Although being a mother is not always easy she sees what an incredible blessing it has been. The receiving of loving, caring support led to another beautiful life saved.